القصور الذاتي. كلما زادت كتلة الجسم ................القصور الذاتي

Pfister, Herbert; King, Markus 2015 It was not until the later work of Galileo and Newton unified rest and motion in one principle that the term "inertia" could be applied to these concepts as it is today
Alfred Engel English Translation: Einstein, Albert 1997 , PDF , New Jersey: Princeton University Press, p While this revolutionary theory did significantly change the meaning of many Newtonian concepts such as , , and , Einstein's concept of inertia remained unchanged from Newton's original meaning

" Benedetti cites the motion of a rock in a sling as an example of the inherent linear motion of objects, forced into circular motion.

عزم القصور الذاتي شرح
An aspect of this property is the tendency of objects to keep moving in a straight line at a constant speed, when no act upon them
وضح العلاقة بين كل مصطلحين فيما يلي.
As no alternate mechanism has been readily accepted, and it is now generally accepted that there may not be one which we can know, the term "inertia" has come to mean simply the phenomenon itself, rather than any inherent mechanism
القصور الذاتي.. مفهومه وصوره في حياتنا اليومية
McCloskey, M 1983 , "Intuitive physics", Scientific American, April, pp
The Aristotelian division of motion into mundane and celestial became increasingly problematic in the face of the conclusions of in the 16th century, who argued that the Earth is never at rest, but is actually in constant motion around the Sun 10, 267a1—21; 2007-01-29 at the
, The Cambridge Descartes Lexicon, Cambridge University Press, 2016, "Inertia Since initial publication, Newton's Laws of Motion and by inclusion, this first law have come to form the basis for the branch of known as

Clement, J 1982 , "Students' preconceptions in introductory mechanics", vol 50, pp 66—71• Thus, an object will continue moving at its current until some force causes its speed or direction to change.

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The Fundamental Nature and Structure of Space-Time
العلاقة بين القصور الذاتي لجسم وكتلته
Although this was not the modern concept of inertia, for there was still the need for a power to keep a body in motion, it proved a fundamental step in that direction
القصور الذاتي.. مفهومه وصوره في حياتنا اليومية
Shortly before Galileo's theory of inertia, modified the growing theory of impetus to involve linear motion alone: "…[Any] portion of corporeal matter which moves by itself when an impetus has been impressed on it by any external motive force has a natural tendency to move on a rectilinear, not a curved, path
Chalmers does not, however, believe that Galileo's physics had a general principle of inertia, circular or otherwise " This notion which is termed "circular inertia" or "horizontal circular inertia" by historians of science, is a precursor to, but distinct from, Newton's notion of rectilinear inertia
Its remains unchanged, unless an external is applied; this is also called conservation of angular momentum See Harris Benson University Physics, New York 1991, page 268

Inertia comes from the Latin word, iners, meaning idle, sluggish.

تعريف عزم القصور الذاتي : كلما زادت كتلة الجسم القصور الذاتي
The Mechanisation of the World Picture, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1961, p
كلما زادت كتلة الجسم ................القصور الذاتي
Buridan's position was that a moving object would be arrested by the resistance of the air and the weight of the body which would oppose its impetus
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Various curves are possible depending on the initial speed and the height of the launch