النعناع للقولون. زيت النعناع

Behzad Mesbahzadeh, Mohsen Akbari, Nasroallah kor And Others 19-10-2015 , , Electronic Physician, Issue 6, Folder 7, Page 1376—1380 Daneiva Caro, David Rivera, Yanet Ocampo And Others 7-8-2018 , , Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Folder 2018, Page 1
, Positive Health News, 1998, Issue 17, Page 26-27 Erin Connelly, Amy Tucker, Amanda Wright And Others 1-12-2014 , , Journal of Medicinal Food, Issue 12, Folder 17, Page 1361-1367

Sanaa Bardaweel, Boulanouar Bakchiche, Husam ALSalamat And Others 3-7-2018 , , BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Issue 1, Folder 18, Page 201.

فوائد النعناع المغلي
Lisha John, and Nisha Shantakumari 6-2015 , , Oman Medical Journal, Issue 4, Folder 30, Page 229—236
فوائد النعناع المغلي
Dennis Anheyer, Jane Frawley, Anna Koch And Others 6-2017 , , Pediatrics, Issue 6, Folder 139, Page e20170062
زيت النعناع يخفف الألم الناجم عن متلازمة القولون العصبي
Daneiva Caro, David Rivera, Yanet Ocampo And Others 7-8-2018 , , Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Folder 2018, Page 1
Seyedeh Masoumi, Horieh Asl, Seyedeh Oliaei And Others 6-7-2016 , , Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, Issue 4, Folder 21, Page 363-367 A Papathanasopoulos, Antonio Rotondo, Pieter Janssen And Others 4-2013 , , Neurogastroenterology and Motility, Issue 4, Folder 25, Page 263-271
Mahsan Bayani, Mahmood Ahmadi-hamedani, Ashkan Javan 2017 , , Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Issue 16, Page 75-82

Lisha John, and Nisha Shantakumari 6-2015 , , Oman Medical Journal, Issue 4, Folder 30, Page 229—236.

زيت النعناع
N Alammar, Lin Wang, Behnam Saberi And Others 17-1-2019 , , BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies Home, Issue 1, Folder 19, Page 21
زيت النعناع يخفف الألم الناجم عن متلازمة القولون العصبي
Seyedeh Masoumi, Horieh Asl, Seyedeh Oliaei And Others 6-7-2016 , , Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, Issue 4, Folder 21, Page 363-367
زيت النعناع يخفف الألم الناجم عن متلازمة القولون العصبي
Mahsan Bayani, Mahmood Ahmadi-hamedani, Ashkan Javan 2017 , , Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Issue 16, Page 75-82
Dennis Anheyer, Jane Frawley, Anna Koch And Others 6-2017 , , Pediatrics, Issue 6, Folder 139, Page e20170062 , Positive Health News, 1998, Issue 17, Page 26-27
Reyhaneh Vejdani, Hamid Reza, Mina Mir-Fattahi And Others 26-7-2006 , , Digestive Diseases and Sciences, Issue 8, Folder 51, Page 1501—1507 Erin Connelly, Amy Tucker, Amanda Wright And Others 1-12-2014 , , Journal of Medicinal Food, Issue 12, Folder 17, Page 1361-1367

Reyhaneh Vejdani, Hamid Reza, Mina Mir-Fattahi And Others 26-7-2006 , , Digestive Diseases and Sciences, Issue 8, Folder 51, Page 1501—1507.

زيت النعناع
N Alammar, Lin Wang, Behnam Saberi And Others 17-1-2019 , , BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies Home, Issue 1, Folder 19, Page 21
وصفات مجربة بالأعشاب لعلاج القولون العصبي نهائياً
Jing Li, Jing Dong, Jia-Zhang Qiu And Others 2-2011 , , Molecules, Issue 2, Folder 16, Page 1642—1654
زيت النعناع
Jing Li, Jing Dong, Jia-Zhang Qiu And Others 2-2011 , , Molecules, Issue 2, Folder 16, Page 1642—1654