وقد يجمع الله الشتيتين بعدما يظنان كل الظن أن لا تلاقيا. وقد يجمع الله الشتيتين بعدما يظنان كل الظن أن لا تلاقيا

Also, given the compact and rich nature of some Arabic formulations, I decided to loosen the verse structure, and take up as much space on the page as a line needed to carry its meaning into the English language How useless this firewood my tribesmen cut! There has yet to be a complete translation of the Arabic Majnoon poems compiled by al-Walibi, though a handful have been translated in isolation
Oh night—how often is it that I run to your black face with pressing need only to forget when I turn to you for what I came I did it after the riverbeds of his friendships had dried up

The further back I crane my neck the more fiercely appears her light to me.

وقد يجمع الله الشتيتين بعدما يظنان كل الظن أن لا تلاقيا اعراب
My companions, do not shake me for more tears— When my eyes water I reach for that friend who, seeing my state, will cry for me
الصدفة تلم شمل قريبَين من الفايكينغ بعد ألف عام على الوفاة
I do not chance upon these vistas, except in agony
قاموس معاجم: معنى و شرح قد يجمع الله الشتيتين بعدما يضنان كل الظن أن لا تلاقيا في معجم عربي عربي أو قاموس عربي عربي وأفضل قواميس اللغة العربية
You are wrong to think so, I said to him
May God not keep you far from me, oh father I know that every soul of Death does drink
Have they not witnessed my oath to Laila? I am only a desperate man enfolding the pillars of houses with my weak arms I said to her Be my sacrifice, for the dawn of coming day I will walk as yesterday by you I was carried

What God has meted out for us, I claim no knowledge.

Every Soul Drinks of Death
I sat with them, and they fed me gilded words I sat with them and they flaunted triumph over love! My companions, my foresight is as frail as I am
الصدفة تلم شمل قريبَين من الفايكينغ بعد ألف عام على الوفاة
God may join together those frayed threads some day even as they think no reunion possible
قاموس معاجم: معنى و شرح قد يجمع الله الشتيتين بعدما يضنان كل الظن أن لا تلاقيا في معجم عربي عربي أو قاموس عربي عربي وأفضل قواميس اللغة العربية
God Curse the Tribes God curse the tribes that claim to have cured love, after decades of trial