2008 Zenobia: Palmyra's Rebel Queen, Continuum, London, p | |
William Muir, The life of Mohamet, chapter III• 37 Cantineaue, Nabateen et Arabe, p | Byzantium and the Arabs in the Sixth Century, Volume 2, Part 2 illustrated ed |
hereafter EI2 Leiden,1990 , 4:1133; and Irfan Shahid, "al-Hira," EI2 Leiden, 1986 , 3:462-63.
26The Emergence of Islam: Classical Traditions in Contemporary Perspective• Chronicle of Seert 13: 445 | Smith, A Dicrionary, II, p |
John Wesley Etheridge, The Syrian Churches p | At this time, early fifth century the Euphrates was navigable as high as Hira, a city lying southwest of ancient Babylon |
Littmann, Nabataen Inscriptions from the Southern Hauran, p.
11See Fiey, Assyrie chretienne, II | Littmann, Nabataen Inscriptions from the Southern Hauran, p |