رئيس تونس. رئيس تونس: لن نترك البلاد لعبة في يد الإخوان

During this term, Bourguiba proclaimed himself and served in that capacity until he was deposed in the Prime Minister Bourguiba thus was designated by the parliament as President of the Republic until the election of a new president, after drafting the constitution
Therefore, he continued as interim President until the election of a permanent President Under Article 57 of the Constitution, an election should have taken place between 45 and 60 days following Mebazaa's appointment

The official website of the President of Tunisia considers Said to be the seventh to hold the office.

رئيس الجمهورية التونسية
On 25 July the National Constituent assembly proclaimed the republic
رئيس تونس: الحصانة ليست أداة لتجاوز القانون
Mebazaa left the party leadership on January 18 while the DCR was dissolved on 9 March 2011
قائمة رؤساء حكومات تونس
Following the , Prime Minister Ben Ali took office as President of Tunisia until the next general election
Marzouki was elected by the National Constituent Assembly as President of Tunisia until the drafting of a new constitution and the election of a new president Thus, instead of taking office for 45 to 60 days, he was President for nearly a year
But on 3 March 2011, he announced the repeal of the 1959 Constitution and the election of a constituent assembly which had to draft a new one He is due to serve until an early election takes place and is to remain in office until 23 October 2019


رئيس تونس: لن نترك البلاد لعبة في يد الإخوان
There are no distinctions between elected and interim presidents
رئيس الجمهورية التونسية
Fouad Mebazaa was appointed the 3rd President of Tunisia in an interim capacity on 15 January 2011
قيس سعيد
During this term, Ben Ali was deposed in the
Mohamed Ennaceur, as , became interim president of the Republic following the death of President on 25 July 2019


سعيّد يهاجم الغنوشي ضمنيا: يعتقد نفسه رئيس تونس
رئيس تونس الأسبق: خرجة المغرب خطأ فادح يجب تداركه سريعا
سعيّد يهاجم الغنوشي ضمنيا: يعتقد نفسه رئيس تونس