ابراهيم هنانو. إبراهيم هنانو ل ماهر الاشرم

On 25 March 1922 the French Attorney General requested the execution of Hananu, and he said "if Hananu has seven heads I will cut them all", but the French judge ultimately released Hananu following an agreement between him and the French government Assassination attempt [ ] In September 1933, an individual named Nazi Al-Kousa shot Hananu in the legs in his village,
Regarded as an assassination attempt, the shooter was sentenced to 10 years in jail On July 23, 1920, when the French army successfully attacked Aleppo, Hananu was forced to retreat back to his village of and began to reorganize the revolt with

He was one of the founding fathers of the which steered the course of the independence struggle in Syria until its achievement in 1946.

ثورة الشمال السوري
Being Modern in the Middle East
إبراهيم هنانو ل ماهر الاشرم
Hananu went on to play an active role in the Syrian national movement
مركز الشرق العربي ـ رجال الشرق ـ إبراهيم هنانو
One of the best lawyers at that time, defended Hananu, advocated for Hananu's innocence, and argued that Hananu was a political opponent not a criminal
One Syrian source from the era indicates that having embraced nationalism when the broke out in 1916, Hananu joined the Arab army of and entered Aleppo with the Allies in 1918 Hananu was responsible for the disarmament of many French troops, the destruction of railroads and telegraph lines, the sabotage of tanks, and the foiling of French attacks on Aleppo
Death [ ] Hananu died in 1935 in Aleppo Philip Khoury, Syria and the French Mandate, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1987

The three-day mourning period began the day after with newspapers and magazines being published in a black cover.

إبراهيم هنانو
He was a member of the National Bloc's permanent council and chief of its political bureau
ثورة ابراهيم هنانو
مركز الشرق العربي ـ رجال الشرق ـ إبراهيم هنانو
Along with many of the prominent merchants in Aleppo, Hananu became associated with the League of National Defense and the Arab Club of Aleppo
Later years [ ] Hananu was put under house arrest following the trial and his movements were monitored by the French intelligence With the withdrawal of Turkish military assistance following the signing of the in October 1921, Hananu and his men could no longer sustain a revolt, and their struggle collapsed
Trial [ ] In 1922 Ibrahim Hananu was arrested and presented to the French military criminal court on charges of criminal acts, and the first sessions was on 15 March 1922 In the 1930s, he affirmed his reputation as a hard-liner, refusing to negotiate with the French until they pledged complete unconditional independence for Syria

In 1928, Hananu held office on the Constitutional Assembly that drafted the.

ابراهيم هنانو .. شخصيات من بلدي
Adham al-Jundi, Tarikh al-thawrat al-suriyya fi 'ahd al-intidab al-faransi, Damascus, 1960
حل وشرح قصيدة ابراهيم هنانو للصف الثامن الفصل الثاني
Despite the failure of the revolt, the organization of the northern areas of Syria with Turkish help has been interpreted as a prototype for self-government that Hananu and other Syrians built upon in later years
من هو ابراهيم هنانو
Kurdish Awakening: Nation Building in a Fragmented Homeland