وردية الوجه. ما هو مرض الوردية

"Rosacea - Living with Rosacea: An Interview with Cynthia Nixon" "Clinical and histological variants of rhinophyma, including nonsurgical treatment modalities"
2000 Mar-Apr] - PubMed result" See the August 5, 2007, issue of Nature Medicine for details

Cohen, MD, and Jeffrey D.

تقشير البشرة بالكريستال
Fergie back in business after heart scare - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation• Wilkin J, Dahl M, Detmar M, Drake L, Liang MH, Odom R, Powell F 2004
عد وردي
"Diane Kruger: Make-up swamps me"
5 حيل لتوريد الوجه طبيعيا
"Management of cutaneous rosacea: emphasis on new medical therapies"
"Increased serine protease activity and cathelicidin promotes skin inflammation in rosacea" "Treatment of rosacea with isotretinoin"
Jansen T, Plewig G 1998 "Rosacea and rhinophyma: not curse of the Celts but Indo Eurasians"

Tung, RC; Bergfeld, WF; Vidimos, AT; Remzi, BK 2000.

كيفية التخلص من العد الوردي: هل تساعد العلاجات الطبيعية؟
Lookingbill and Marks' Principles of Dermatology 4th ed
ما هو مرض الوردية
Elizabeth Lazaridou, Christina Giannopoulou, Christina Fotiadou, Eustratios Vakirlis, Anastasia Trigoni, Demetris Ioannides November 2010
وردية الوجه
"I'm not drunk I have rosacea: Carol Smillie tells embarrassing story of facial flushes"
Wollina, U; Verma, SB September 2009 "Diagnosis and treatment of rosacea"
The Cochrane database of systematic reviews Baima B, Sticherling M 2002

"The potential role of microorganisms in the development of rosacea".

وردية الوجه
"Ocular rosacea: common and commonly missed"
وردية الوجه
American journal of clinical dermatology
وردية الوجه أسبابها وعلاجها
Acta Derm Venereol82 1 : 3—6