انا طفل ويرعاني بهذا الكون ايماني. AL

don't know how I accepted because am so against this type of marriage to tell you the truth I love him more than myself, we are human and i know how much he loves me i feel it with all my bones , and told me about how he married he was in love with a school mate for 7 years and they were engaged too, but both side family was not happy with it and made so much problem for both until they separated them, she got married quickly after and he was in so much pain his family got him married quickly in fear of losing their son, he don't love his wife but doing his job as husband , he works far away from his home, and visiting his wife once a month and of course sleeping with her, I cannot describe the pain of jealousy which I hated jealously and always told my clients jealousy is sickness and will kill everything in you, am now in the same position which killing me slowly, he is ready to do everything with me, marrying me according to Shariha Law and in court and have children with me too
still cant believe how I accepted left me with hug bruises and never trusted man again

Our relationship is magic in every way possible from heaven, but me I still cannot accept that i am second wife, and how can I face my family and friends i know they are going to abandon me, beside feeling bad for his wife feeling guilty, even I secretly buy a lot of present for his wife and child and she don't know, and now he just told me that his wife pregnant again, he cried so much in fear i would leave him, again I fall apart, his family telling me to read Quran to help me cope with feeling sorry for myself and be patient , tried to leave him so many times but could not do it, because he is the man exactly I wanted him in my life or dreamed of all my life.

كتاب لغتي الصف الثاني ابتدائي وورد
Dear Awatf, My Arabic is not very good as I spend most of my life in Europe but reading and speaking perfectly and your answer in Arabic would be greatly fine, glad found your website, where at least I can talk and get some straight answer to my problem, god bless you for all of things you do and don't know how much you make difference when I read a lot of stories and your advice
كتاب لغتي الصف الثاني ابتدائي وورد
nearly two years ago I meet with a man from another country in Middle East , we fall in love very quickly I guess he was a man lost and forgot about love just like me and also heartbroken like me
انشوده الدين المعامله صف ثاني كلمات
All his family knows about me because when I visiting him we go to his family house, only his wife don't know and of course my family which i don't know how to tell them or even tell my friends, we both scared , me from my family and friends and him from his wife and her family also they might take away his son which he loves so much
First I could not believe myself went to server depression, and then accepted, still don't know how I accepted as I am very much against polygamy so my family back in my country origin His family begging me to not leave him, because he changed so much and saying after his heartbroken finally we see him happy and again in love
Am 35 years old, single mother who escaped from oppression of my country origin with just few hour born baby, spend my whole life looking after my son and studding and finished university all by myself alone when I was only 16 , am very successful in my life, but forgot about myself and never wanted a man in my life again after what i been through with my ex-husband let's say it was forced marriage when i was only 13 and our marriage continue and ongoing until now, he is still in his country and am still in Europe, I travel to see him every 2 or 3 month sometime 6 month

Also will tell his wife after we have a child so no one can separate us after, especially her family won't be able to ask divorcing me after child.

ما لا يخبرك به الأخرون عن إنجاب طفل ثاني
Please advise me, am going crazy here and don't know what to do and its effecting my life my work I simply cannot make decision because I love him with all my heart
كرة ضخمة من الغازات الملتهبة المترابطة بفعل الجاذبية
my problem I learned after 8 month that he is married and have 2 years old son too