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The room looks large because they have very little furniture in it Nobody can beat our team
Have you ever visited Europe? Make notes in the chart below Look at it this way

It was a difficult problem and nobody could think of an answer.

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There are also no Italian ones, three I think
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Unit 4 The Art of Advertising attractive in an unusual way that attracts attention b
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fan Ola is a fan of painting
Listen and note the stress to make something by mixing things in liquid or powder form, which are not normally combined c
if you still have relatives in those places• Our luggage is on the conveyor belt Complete the sentences and the puzzle and find the word in the gray boxes• I slept for only a few hours last night

Excuse me, I think you are sitting in my seat.

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Complete the sentences with the correct question tag• F: does this neighborhood have any restaurants? Can you get some eggs, too? It was a beautiful day
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the departure time for the next train to Philadelphia is 11:20
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the problem was so difficult that nobody could think of the answer
I came across an old book while I was cleaning the garage Vocabulary Bank clerk: Good morning
There are many Chinese, around eight I think Ola is very interested in painting

boring Mona finds museums boring.

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Bank clerk: No, not at all
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Omar likes computer games very much
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we are sorry the delay