دموع التماسيح. دموع التماسيح

Two patients are presented here, one after a facial fracture which apparently extended into the temporal bone proximal to the optic ganglion, and one after a Bell's palsy
The mechanism appears to be a misdirection of regenerating gustatory fibers destined for the salivary glands, so that they become secretory fibers to the lacrimal gland and cause homolateral tearing while the patient is eating A simple procedure, involving subtotal resection of the palpebral lobe of the involved lacrimal gland, proved to be an effective corrective measure in these cases

Gusto-lacrimation, or "crocodile tear syndrome," is a rare complication, with 95 cases reported in the literature.

​دموع التماسيح
قصة مثل.. دموع التماسيح و القط يطارد ذيله
The crocodile tear syndrome


دموع التماسيح
قصة مثل.. دموع التماسيح و القط يطارد ذيله
​دموع التماسيح


قصة مثل.. دموع التماسيح و القط يطارد ذيله
دموع التماسيح
قصة مثل.. دموع التماسيح و القط يطارد ذيله