سبحان الملك القدوس. (( القُدُّوس )) تبارك وتعالى

Dua from the Qur'an 33• [Recite three times in Arabic, and raise and extend the voice on the third time and say Lord of the angels and the Rooh i
Solah in a congregation is like water in a container Ustaz Zakaria recites doa as-Sanusi daily

Dua seeking Allah's help against an enemy• Excellence of remembrance and glorification of Allah 13• What better is that the capital outlay is so cheap.

What to say immediately following the Witr prayer
8115 Bab Mim] Berdasarkan pemaparan di atas, dianjurkan untuk membaca dzikir setelah tiga rakaat shalat witir sebagaimana yang telah dijelaskan di atas
سنّة مهجورة في صلاة الوتر : سبحان الملك
Dua when waking up 1• Satan also is stronger against a person praying alone
Fatwa Tarjih Tentang Do'a Qiyamu Ramadhan
Laqad jaa-akum to be recited 7 times in the morning, and 7 times afternoon
Lord of the angels and the Spirit After giving salam of the witr prayer he peace and blessings of Allah be upon him would supplicate: How far from imperfections The King, The Holy One is
How far from imperfections The King, The Holy One is Dua seeking forgiveness from Allah• Dua for anxiety and sorrow 1

179 dan Sunan Ibni Majah no.

سنّة مهجورة في صلاة الوتر : سبحان الملك
Apa bacaan setelah selesai empat rakaat pertama pada waktu shalat tarawih, setelah 4 rakaat yang kedua dan setelah shalat witir? It is like investing in a business that yields exceptionally high return
ما يستحب قوله بعد السلام من الوتر
Compare this to water in little container, small amount of najis already render the water unusable
What to say immediately following the Witr prayer
Allah will always help those who have established relationship with Him
The Talbiyah chant of Hajj and Umrah• Terima kasih kami sampaikan atas pertanyaan yang saudari ajukan kepada kami
…on the third time he would raise his voice, elongate it and add: How far from imperfections The King, The Holy One is Glory is to the King, the Holy

Dua for seeking guidance Istikhaarah• It is a multi-purpose ayah.

الدرر السنية
(209) الذكر عقب السلام من الوتر الملك القدوس رب الملائكة
Remembrance after finishing the witr prayer